Friday, September 5, 2008

Understand this is design BY you, for YOU

I have spent many, too many hours in front of the TV watching design show after design show. All too many hours with a laptop on my lap, scanning over all the do's and don'ts about design. Can you say, overwhelming?! Mostly I think, "how does that stuff apply to me?" I don't know about you, but I truly don't want my home to look like a showroom floor. I'd rather it to look like my home.

Don't get me wrong. I think that all that stuff is great. There is some beautiful stuff out there. Examples of Interior Design are really fun to watch. Impressive, too. But when all is said and done, does it help you choose a color for your front bathroom? Does it fill you with confidence walking up and down the aisles at Ethan Allan? Are you everso experienced when standing in front of the paint chips at Home Depot?

I think it's a great idea to have one person, (namely me) who happens to have a natural "eye" for design, help another person (namely you) achieve the look you want in your home, using a personal style. Nothing more elaborate than that. What do you think?

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